Are you stuck somewhere with a Milestone card and you are looking for support information for the Milestone card you are at the right place because we know that situation and we will give you all the information to contact The Bank of Missouri, a FDIC-insured financial institution based in St. Robert, MO
Here we have listed all the Milestone customer support information in one place like phone number, email, physical address, and other technical support.
One thing I would like to mention is that Milestone customer support services start with sales and never end and you can contact them via phone or mail.
Milestone Customer Support Phone Number
1-800-305-0330, 1-800-224-4960
PO Box 4477
Beaverton, OR 97076-4477
Concora Credit | PO Box 84059 Columbus, GA | 31908-4059
Technical Support Phone Number
Concora Credit
PO Box 4477
Beaverton, OR 97076-4477
Q: Who is the issuer bank of Milestone Credit Card?
A. The Bank of Missouri, an FDIC-insured financial institution based in St. Robert, MO issues The Milestone Mastercard
Q. How to check pre-qualification of Milestone?
A. Simply visit and submit your details to pre-qualification for Milestone
Q. Who can apply for a Milestone card?
A. anyone who is 18 years old and has a USA physical address and social security number.
Q. How much time it will take to get MyMilestoneCard
A. It will take around 15 business working days.
Q. How MyMilestoneCard help in improving the credit score?
A. Making timely payments will help you get a good credit score.
Q. How do I pay my Milestone credit card bill?
A. you can easily pay online by logging in to the Milestone account portal and also pay via check.
Q. My card is damaged or stolen. What should I do?
A. Please contact at 1-800-314-6340. and ask for assistance.
Q. What is the customer support phone number of MyMilestoneCard?
A. 1-800-305-0330